Petr Novák from Jaromer, sculptor

Church creation

The Moment of the Sacred Presence

 The real reality, Aristotle's energy is the flow of presence. People in their imagination can wander in the past and think about what might be real now, but they really are situated only in the presence that everyone has in common. We can wander like sleepy wraiths and perceive the reality as an external force that drags us where we don't want to be, or we can awake and view ourselves as its particles, a wave in the sea, here and now consciously experiencing our participation in God's emanation.

Experiencing such knowledge is not effortless or easy. It is the best impuls for the birth of a sculpture, painting or music. It is a sacred moment of beholding the reality.


Pope John Paul II.

The statue of pope John Paul II. is carved in the limewood. It was placed in St.Nicholas's Church in Jaromer in 2008.

John Paul II.

John Paul II.
gesso, 1:3


John Paul II.

John Paul II.

John Paul II.
limewood, 190 cm

John Paul II.

John Paul II.
limewood, 190 cm

John Paul II.

John Paul II.
lim wood, 190 cm

John Paul II.

John Paul II.
limewood, 190 cm

John Paul II.

John Paul II.
limewood, 190 cm


Study of the hand.
Study of the hand,

Study of hand, wax,

Study of the  hand,

Study of the hand, wax,

Study of the  hand,

Study of the hand, wax,

Popes Pius X. and John Paul II.

Busts of both popes are located in St.Lawrence's and St.Zdislava's Basilica minor in Jablonné v Podještědí. Placed in 2007.

Pius X.

Pius X.
marble, 110 cm

Papež Jan Pavel II

John Paull II
marble, 105 cm

Pius X.

Pius X.
marble, 110 cm

Jan Pavel II

john Paul II.
marble, 105 cm

Pius X.

Pius X.
marble, 110 cm

Virgin Mary

The statue of Virgin Mary stands in the private garden Onigo, province Trevizo, Italy. The statue was hewn out of Božanov sandstone. Placed in 2008.
Virgin Mary

Virgin Mary,
Božanov sandstone,
180 cm

Virgin Mary

Virgin Mary,
Božanov sandstone,
180 cm

Virgin Mary

Virgin Mary,
Božanov sandstone,
180 cm

Virgin Mary

Virgin Mary,
Božanov sandstone,
180 cm

Virgin Mary, sketch

Virgin Mary
sketch, 40 cm, gesso

Virgin Mary, sketch

Virgin Mary
study, 40 cm, gesso

Virgin Mary, sketch

Virgin Mary
study, 40 cm, gesso

Virgin Mary, sketch

Virgin Mary
study, 40 cm, gesso

Virgin Mary, sketch

Virgin Mary
study, 40 cm, gesso

Virgin Mary, sketch

Virgin Mary
sketch, 40 cm, gesso

Virgin Mary

Virgin Mary,
Božanov sandstone,
180 cm

Virgin Mary

Virgin Mary,
Božanov sandstone,
180 cm

St. Zdislava

Fountain with St. Zdislava is located in the garden of Rest home in Černožice. Kneeling saintess is made of bronze and the bottom part is of Božanov sandstone. The statue was insatled in 2003.

Study of St. Zdislava's Nude

Study of St. Zdislava's Nude
bronze, 80 cm

Study of St. Zdislava Head

Study of St. Zdislava Head
gesso, life-size

St. Zdislava

St. Zdislava
bronze, life-size

St. Zdislava

St. Zdislava
bronze, life-size

St. Zdislava

St. Zdislava
bronze, life-size

St. Zdislava

St. Zdislava
bronze, life-size

St. Zdislava

St. Zdislava
bronze, life-size

Plaque with St. Zdislava

Plaque with St. Zdislava
diameter 8 cm

Reliefs on the Walls in the St. Luke's Baptistry in Bologna, Italy

Three of the seven reliefs with Biblical motifs cut into the walls of Baptistry. Oktogonal Baptistry is made of the block of trachytes, diameter 150 cm.

Babtism of Jesus

Babtism of Jesus
48x40 cm

Raising of Lazarus

Raising of Lazarus
48x40 cm


48x40 cm

Czech Madonna

Czech Madonna

Czech Madonna
150 cm, oak wood

St. Martin

The first sketch of the St.Martin's sculpture for the St. Martin's Church in Castelcies (Trevizo-Italy).
St. Martin, sketch

St.Martin, sketch
gesso, 33 cm

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